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Wine & Wellness: Yin & Vin + Sound Bath

Wine & Wellness: Yin & Vin + Sound Bath with Lauren Udsen & Jamie Dubin
Thursday November 16th @ 5:30pm – 6:30pm

“Wine down” with a 1‑hour restora­tive, yin yoga class led by Lau­ren Udsen and Sound Heal­ing bliss from Jamie Dubin of Har­mon­ic Holistics.
Yin yoga is a deeply restora­tive & relax­ing yoga prac­tice where you are invit­ed to slow down, hold­ing sup­port­ed pos­tures and stretch­es for longer amounts of time.
Bring your yoga mat and join us for this tru­ly bliss­ful experience!

Sound heal­ing is the use of vibra­tional instru­ments to bring the body, mind, heart, and spir­it into bal­ance. If you are expe­ri­enc­ing stress or over­whelm that you just can’t shake, sound heal­ing is the per­fect modal­i­ty for you.

Ben­e­fits may include:
Stress, over­whelm, and anx­i­ety alle­vi­a­tion
Pain reduc­tion
Calm­ness, peace, and bliss
Explo­ration in spir­i­tu­al­i­ty
Expand­ing states of con­scious­ness
Depres­sion relief
Strength­en­ing your med­i­ta­tion prac­tice
Clar­i­ty and insight on lim­it­ing beliefs hold­ing you back
Reduces insom­nia

5:15 pm Check-in
5:30 pm Class
6:30 Char­cu­terie and Dam Fine Wine

$50/$40 for Club Members

The evening will be fol­lowed by a glass of wine & Char­cu­terie from Cured and Cultivated
Please note, this class will be held indoors