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Wine & Wellness: Flower & Flow + Tea Ceremony

Saturday May 13th @ 10:00am – 2:00pm

Saturday, May 13th @ 10:00 am. Greet the crisp fall morning with your sun salutations at Castoro Cellars! This all-level yoga class will get your blood flowing!
Join us for a magical morning honoring all the mamas in your life, 1hr intuitive yoga flow & flower crown crafting led by yoga instructor & herbalist, Lauren Udsen followed by a Tea ceremony from Inari Tea, Wine & bites to follow *all materials included. All levels/​abilities yoga*

Yoga Flow
A flu­id & dynam­ic move­ment prac­tice to get your ener­gy and blood flow mov­ing. You will be mind­ful­ly guid­ed through a blend of hatha/​vinyasa yoga, begin­ner to inter­me­di­ate abil­i­ties.
Our in-house yogi­ni, Lau­ren, cre­at­ed ​“Intu­itive flow yoga” as she weaves togeth­er dif­fer­ent move­ment & heal­ing modal­i­ties. This class is a gen­tle all inclu­sive, uplift­ing yoga prac­tice where you are invit­ed to breathe, play & move between asanas with self-inquiry & ease.

Flower Crown Crafting
With Lau­ren’s help, you are invit­ed to explore your cre­ative side and con­nect with the med­i­cine, wis­dom, and beau­ty of Moth­er Nature in this spe­cial Flower Crown Craft­ing ses­sion, while enjoy­ing some deli­cious bites and a glass of organ­ic wine.
Research has shown that craft­ing, regard­less of the medi­um you use, can bol­ster mood, improve self-con­fi­dence, and reduce stress overall.

About the Tea Ceremony
The ancient Chi­nese rit­u­al of a Gong Fu Tea Cer­e­mo­ny is a very eas­i­ly acces­si­ble way to approach med­i­ta­tion. The art and inten­tion­al­i­ty of the prac­tice, the sen­so­r­i­al jour­ney, and the con­nec­tion of our bod­ies to nature through the tea leaves help to open us up to mind­ful­ness and to find peace in the present moment. Join us for this sim­ple and beau­ti­ful med­i­ta­tive jour­ney with Jen de Tré­glodé. Tea is more than an ide­al­iza­tion of the form of drink­ing; it is a reli­gion of the art of life. — Okakuro Kakuzo

$75 Club members/​$85 Non-Wine Club Members

9:45 am Check In
10 – 11 am Intu­itive Flow Yoga Class
11:15 Flower Crown Craft­ing & 1st group Tea Ceremony
12:00 pm Flower Crown Craft­ing & 2nd group Tea Ceremony

This event will take place outside, on our beautiful back lawn among the vineyard.
Water & tea will be provided but please bring your own reusable canteen.
Make sure to bring your mat.
Please dress in comfortable clothing with layers preparing for the weather.