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SLOFolks Presents: Late for the Train

Our next show is the soul­ful blue­grass band, Late for the Train. They are an indie-folk string trio root­ed in Amer­i­can folk and blue­grass music. Infused with the hon­est depth of the coastal red­wood forests and the heart­felt com­mu­ni­ty of the North Bay, the band pro­vides a play­ful and poignant musi­cal expe­ri­ence that uplifts the spir­it and rous­es the soul.

The core ensem­ble includes song­writ­ers and mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ists David Pas­coe (guitar/​mandolin), Lau­ra Ben­son (fid­dle), and Thom Bene­duci (stand-up bass). The trio’s skill­ful crafts­man­ship meets ten­der har­monies and potent lyrics that grap­ple with all the won­der, con­tra­dic­tion, and truth of liv­ing in the mod­ern age. Their debut album, Plant It or Build It, was released on Sep­tem­ber 4th, 2020.

Please plan to join us for a refresh­ing look at blue­grass with soul!

​“Late for the Train are accom­plished musi­cians indi­vid­u­al­ly but togeth­er it’s a mag­i­cal folk ensem­ble of visu­al sto­ry­telling paired with beau­ti­ful and well-craft­ed har­monies. We wel­come them back any­time!”— Divine Rebel Music

​“Besides their obvi­ous musi­cal tal­ent, Late for the Train deliv­ers an engag­ing live per­for­mance and soul­ful con­tent of music. Their sound is authen­tic and wel­com­ing; you can’t help but enjoy your­self.”— Anoth­er Fam­i­ly Affair

Doors open at 6:30pm — Show starts at 7:30pm
Indoor Show

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