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SLO Folks Presents — Eilen Jewell

Please, no out­side food or wine. Seat­ing will be pro­vid­ed, as well as space for blan­kets and low-back, low seat chairs up front.

Sat­ur­day, June 4 — $25 — show starts at 7:00

Doors open at 6:00

What a treat it is to announce we are bring­ing in the fab­u­lous Eilen Jew­ell to open our out­door sum­mer series! Eilen has played local­ly at the Live Oak Music fes­ti­val, and has earned a rep­u­ta­tion for putting on a great show! She’s a singer-song­writer with a rich his­to­ry to her cred­it. Steeped in Amer­i­cana heav­i­ly influ­enced by coun­try, blues, and jazz (with a lit­tle rock-a-bil­lie and surf music thrown in), she brings a unique style of singing influ­enced by Bil­lie Hol­i­day and Bessie Smith. Her song­writ­ing is keen and sharp, reflect­ing con­tem­po­rary events. This will be a great show, out­doors on a beau­ti­ful ​‘Cas­toro’ evening!