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Lazy Locals —  Free Concert! —  Way Out West

Sunday, September 24th @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Join us for anoth­er great date of our Lazy Locals con­cert series!

Live music, Dam Fine Wine, and Food by Hun­gry Mother

Way Out West Band is a refresh­ing mix of gen­res that plays well to a wide audi­ence. The band con­sists of Nashville trans­plants, Valerie Pow­ers (vocals and per­cus­sion), and Kel­ly Pow­ers (vocals, lead gui­tar, and fid­dle). Wayne Pear­son plays a mean acoustic gui­tar in swing and gyp­sy style as well as being a full-time ranch­er. Bob Hamil­ton is the pre­mier ped­al steel gui­tarist in the tri-coun­ty area. He brings the sound that sets the Way Out West band apart from all oth­ers. Vance Gib­bon, on bass, lays down a funky groove to tight­en up the rhythm sec­tion. Each mem­ber of the band has had years of expe­ri­ence play­ing and per­form­ing and loves play­ing for any sized crowd! We would love to see you are our next show — boots and tie-dye are optional!

Two ways to enjoy the show:

1) Reserve a table online and enjoy the show from your own table from 1:00-4:00. 1 bottle purchase minimum.

2) Sit on the grass with your own lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the show! No reservation required.