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Lazy Locals — Free Concert! — The Jump Jax

Join us for anoth­er great date of our Lazy Locals con­cert series!

Live music, Dam Fine Wine, and Food by Hun­gry Mother

The Jump Jax are an elec­tri­fy­ing quar­tet bring­ing their own fresh take on good tunes to the Cen­tral Coast Music Scene. These four, sea­soned pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians bring an ener­getic and dance­able mix of clas­sic Jump Blues, Swing, Rock­a­bil­ly and Soul along with Tasty Orig­i­nals guar­an­teed to get hearts pound­ing and feet mov­ing.
Song­writer Ted Water­house leads the band on flu­id elec­tric arch-top and slide gui­tars and vocals. The inim­itable Ron McCar­ley lays down swing­ing jazz, rock and soul riffs on tenor, alto and bari­tone sax­es. Ace drum­mer Michael Smoth­ers pro­vides the cookin’ beat and adds superb lead and back­ing vocals. Bassist Dave Block locks into the grooves while pro­vid­ing more great vocals.
All togeth­er these four excep­tion­al musi­cians bring a sound that is sharp and focused with dynam­ics suit­able for any size venue. The band’s per­for­mances con­vey their deep love for clas­sic Amer­i­can musi­cal styles deliv­ered with their own unique jumpin’ spin. You’re going to love the Jump Jax!

Two ways to enjoy the show:

1) Reserve a table online and enjoy the show from your own table 1:00 – 4:00. 1 bot­tle pur­chase min­i­mum.

2) Sit on the grass with your own lawn chair or blan­ket and enjoy the show! No reser­va­tion required.