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Lazy Locals Concert: Wood

Wood is the sound of Cal­i­for­nia.
Not the bright lights and glit­ter Cal­i­for­nia, but the Sier­ra Neva­da, oak foothills, and lost coast Cal­i­for­nia.

Some­where in the audio land­scape between the fedo­ra and vest alt coun­try set and the cere­bral mean­der­ings of the neo-hip­py jam bands you will find a sound that is at once famil­iar and joy­ous­ly new. Wood is an acoustic ensem­ble which brings togeth­er the influ­ences of many musi­cal styles.

Song­writ­ers Steve Kindel, Paul Sil­va, And Dahlan Richen­berg join Rob Strom (bass) and Bar­ry John­son (per­cus­sion) to cre­ate a won­der­ful mix of catchy melodies, thick har­monies, and pro­found, thought­ful lyrics. It’s good music, some­times a lit­tle hard to define, but fits com­fort­ably in the Roots Rock/​Americana cue.