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July Yoga Brunch & Bubbles

Greet the Sum­mer morn­ing with your sun salu­ta­tions at Cas­toro Cel­lars! This all lev­els yoga class will get your blood flowing!

This class will be taught by Castoro’s in-house yogi, Lau­ren Udsen. Lau­ren teach­es all over the cen­tral coast and has a diverse back­ground teach­ing a broad spec­trum of styles includ­ing Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Yin and med­i­ta­tion classes.

8:45 am Check-In
9 – 10 am Class
10 – 11 am Brunch

Water will be pro­vid­ed but please bring your own reusable can­teen.
Make sure to bring your mat.
Dress in lay­ers because it may be a brisk morning.

Fol­low­ing the con­clu­sion of the class, break­fast will be pro­vid­ed. Enjoy mimosas fea­tur­ing our Sparkling Wine.

Please let us know ahead of time if you have spe­cif­ic dietary requirements