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Lazy Locals  — Dave Tate

Join us for out­door wine tast­ing and live music!
Sit on the grass with your own lawn chair or blan­ket and enjoy the show! No reser­va­tion required

Crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed Singer-Song­writer Dave Tate’s intro­spec­tive indie-folk music com­bines dynam­ic acoustic gui­tar with Tate’s strong vocals — both high and soar­ing or inti­mate and invit­ing. His heart­felt, thought­ful lyrics and melodies weave a unique land­scape of poet­ic imagery. A native of the red rock desert of Zion Nation­al Park, Tate’s music is often inspired by the tow­er­ing beau­ty of his red rock moun­tain home­land. Tate has been hailed as ​“One of the most unique artists ever.” by Heav­en Mag­a­zine and ​“An artist who is so incred­i­bly good that you can’t real­ly believe not all music mag­a­zines are writ­ing about him already.” by Folk Form in the Netherlands.

Tate reg­u­lar­ly per­forms an aver­age of 140 shows per year. He has toured across the West­ern Unit­ed States and in Europe on numer­ous occa­sions and his work was recent­ly fea­tured in a glob­al on-flight com­mer­cial on all Amer­i­can Air­lines inter­na­tion­al flights. Liv­ing in Austin, Port­land, Salt Lake, Tuc­son and Zion Nation­al Park as he devel­oped his craft, Tate has released 14 stu­dio albums, 9 of which are cur­rent­ly avail­able. Vis­it www​.dav​e​tate​mu​sic​.com to learn more.