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Lazy Locals — Free Concert! — Dulcie Taylor

Sunday July 23rd @ 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Join us for anoth­er great date of our Lazy Locals con­cert series!

Live music, Dam Fine Wine, and Food by Hun­gry Mother

Born and raised in South Car­oli­na, Dul­cie Tay­lor is now hap­pi­ly resid­ing in San Luis Obis­po coun­ty. MesaBlue­moon Record­ings has released six CDs and two EPs of her orig­i­nal music, all to much radio air­play and crit­i­cal praise. Glen Starkey of SLO’s New Times says – ​“One of the best things to hap­pen in local music is when South­ern Belle and MesaBlue­moon Record­ing artist Dul­cie Tay­lor moved to the area.”

The Mid­west Record in Chica­go says — ​“Sure fire killer stuff from a major talent.”

Barnes & Noble says – ​“Makes a mes­mer­iz­ing impression.”
Nation­al­ly, Dulcie’s music has reached No. 1 at Ama­zon for Top-Rat­ed Amer­i­cana and her YouTube Chan­nel has over 3.1Million views. Here local­ly she’s won the New Times Music Award for Best Song­writer, twice. Dul­cie has played venues across Amer­i­ca as diverse as The Blue­bird in Nashville, the Kennedy Cen­ter in DC, and Main­stage at the Ker­rville Folk Fes­ti­val in Texas. In the Cen­tral Coast, she’s per­formed live on KCBX, KCPR, KPIG, KSBY, and KEYT. Dul­cie loves being a res­i­dent of the Cen­tral Coast and she says – ​“The audi­ences here are the best anywhere!”