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May Featured Artist Leslie Rock

Artist Statement:
In 2005, with my chil­dren grow­ing old­er, I found myself with extra time, and so I embarked upon my third career. Com­ing from a back­ground in engi­neer­ing and moth­er­hood, art was a fresh and irre­sistible call­ing that I threw myself into whole­heart­ed­ly. I took my first paint­ing class, open to wher­ev­er it would take me. Before I knew it, my life was trans­formed. Since then I have been work­ing, play­ing, study­ing, exper­i­ment­ing and solid­i­fy­ing my iden­ti­ty as an artist. Oils are my first love, but I do dab­ble in mixed media and acrylics. I work pri­mar­i­ly on can­vas, though I have exper­i­ment­ed with wood and paper as well. I pre­fer medi­um and large sized sur­faces since they give me an oppor­tu­ni­ty to paint freely and loose­ly. Neal Don­ald Walsh’s quote, ​“Life begins at the end of your com­fort zone,” has inspired my artis­tic growth from the moment I heard it. With these words always in mind, I set goal after goal for myself. I am con­stant­ly evolv­ing as an artist, and these goals ensure that I nev­er stagnate.

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