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Lazy Locals Concert: Proxima Parada

Come join us on Mother’s Day and bring a chair, bring your friends and enjoy the free live music! Food avail­able for purchase.

Próx­i­ma Para­da blends soul­ful melody with hard-hit­ting rhythm into a sound dis­tinct­ly their own. They’ve released sev­er­al full-length albums inde­pen­dent­ly and, with new songs writ­ten, are prepar­ing to record their next.

Start­ing in 2012 as a group of col­lege friends want­i­ng to extend their dynam­ic to their com­mu­ni­ty in San Luis Obis­po, CA, they nev­er dreamed that their pas­sion would reach a glob­al audi­ence through being placed on Spo­ti­fy playlists, that they’d per­form at beau­ti­ful his­toric venues and music fes­ti­vals, that their songs would earn awards, that their music would soothe and uplift peo­ple around the world. Their last sin­gle, Time In A Cir­cle, cur­rent­ly has over 1.1 mil­lion plays on Spo­ti­fy alone.