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Crying Uncle Bluegrass Band — Knight’s Of Columbus

Ben­e­fits Cen­tral Coast Can­cer Sup­port Com­mu­ni­ty, a non-profit.

Wide­ly rec­og­nized as one of the most excit­ing young bands in acoustic music, Cry­ing Uncle Blue­grass plays a unique mix of blue­grass, Dawg (David Gris­man music), jazz, and mod­ern orig­i­nals. Broth­ers Miles and Teo Quale are joined by bassist Andrew Osborn and 2023 Nation­al Flat Pick Gui­tar Cham­pi­on Ian Ly, all out­stand­ing young musi­cians of the vibrant Cal­i­for­nia blue­grass scene. Found­ed in 2016 as a Duo band, Miles and Teo formed the blue­grass band in 2017 and since then, they have con­tin­ued to make waves in the world of blue­grass and acoustic music. The blue­grass band was the recip­i­ent of the 2023 Inter­na­tion­al Blue­grass Music Asso­ci­a­tion​’s Momen­tum Band of the Year award. The band was also hon­ored to per­form for the Blue­grass Music Hall of Fame’s induc­tion of their hero, David Gris­man.

Based in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia, Cry­ing Uncle Blue­grass has opened for pres­ti­gious bands, includ­ing Mar­ty Stu­art and his Fab­u­lous Superla­tives and David Gris­man Blue­grass Expe­ri­ence. The band has played at venues such asIBMA​’s World of Blue­grass Fes­ti­val, CBA’s Father’s Day Blue­grass Fes­ti­val, Straw­ber­ry Music Fes­ti­val, SF’s Hard­ly Strict­ly Blue­grass, Delfest, and Grey Fox Blue­grass Fes­ti­val. Inter­na­tion­al­ly, the band toured in Japan in 2023 and in 2022, they head­lined at Blue­grass in La Roche, France. In 2019, they toured through­out Fin­land, cul­mi­nat­ing at Kausti­nen Folk Music Fes­ti­val. In 2018, the band was fea­tured on a TEDTalk by Nashville-based singer/​songwriter Phoebe Hunt. Miles was also a proud recip­i­ent of the Whip­poor­will Arts Fel­low­ship in 2022.

The band released their epony­mous album, Cry­ing Uncle, in 2018. And in 2020, they released their sopho­more album, Mon­roe Bridge, which fea­tures guest artists, fid­dler Chad Man­ning and man­dolin­ist Sharon Gilchrist and pro­duced by ban­joist Kei­th Lit­tle. In 2021, the blue­grass band came out with an EP of most­ly self-writ­ten tunes, Till I Dance Again with You, inspired by a year of ​“iso­lat­ing” dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Most recent­ly (2022), they released their newest album, The Thing of Dreams, which high­lights their orig­i­nals. Cry­ing Uncle Blue­grass is proud to be a Fish­man artist and an Ear Trum­pet Labs artist.